Tome文芸館 Annex



勢い余って 産婆を倒し 
産湯を泳いで クイックターン 

泣きもしないで 笑うので 
親は笑えず 驚くばかり 

なんだ この子は 何者だ 
どうすりゃいいか わけわからん 

這うより先に 立ち上がり 
歩き出す前 走り出す 

入った学校 飛び出して 
家も飛び出し 村も出た 

それから 消息 聞かないが
今頃 どうしているのやら


Too Much Momentum

With too much momentum, he defeated the maternity,
swam in the hot water and made a quick turn.

His parents couldn't laugh and were awesome
because he laughed without crying.

What is this kid? Who are you?
We don't know what to do.

He stood up before crawling
and ran before he started walking.

He jumped out of the school he entered,
his parents' home, and the village.

Then we don't hear him, but what is he doing now?