Tome文芸館 Annex



 おい おまえ ちょっと待て
 調子に乗んな 立ち止まれ 

なに考えてんだ この野郎

 うしろ見ろ 横を見ろ
 上下も見たら 前も見ろ 

きょろきょろすんな この野郎

 あっちへ行け そっちへ行け
 どこ行くんだ 戻って来い 

うろちょろすんな この野郎

 うるせえな 黙ってろ
 なんだ その眼は 

ケンカ売る気か この野郎 



You Bastard!

Hey, wait a moment.
Do not get carried away. Stop there.

What are you thinking about? You bastard!

Look behind. Look sideways.
Look up and down and look ahead.

Do not wander around in sight. You bastard!

Go away. Go over there.
Where are you going? Come back.

Do not move around. You bastard!

Noisy. Keep silent.
What is that eyes of you?

Are you fighting to sell? You bastard!