一 年下の大柄な上司に首をまわし蹴りされる夢
二 通勤途中の駅の改札口を通れぬ夢
三 草野球の試合に出場してボールを見失う夢
四 老いた教師が生徒たちに将来の夢を尋ねる夢
五 幕末の若き志士が
六 イメージが石ころになって布団の隙間に溜まる夢
七 優美なシッポの猫が浴室に隠れる夢
八 父が運転する左ハンドルのクルマに同乗して右車線を進む夢
九 女友だちと出かける前に放尿が止まらない夢
十 セキュリティの高い図形を考える夢
十一 下宿に入居した中国人が勝手に部屋を覗く夢
十二 目の大きなカネゴンが黙って座る夢
十三 水の博覧会の水洗トイレも展示品の一部だった夢
十四 牛の
十五 戦時中に暗号を解読した数学者が公開処刑される夢
十六 メモすべき夢を見たので内容をメモしたという夢
A Collection of Tales from Dream Index
1st dream
My junk's big boss is kicked by turning my neck
2nd dream
I can not go through the ticket gate of the station
on the way of commuting
3rd dream
Lose sight of the ball by participating
in the grass baseball game
4th dream
An old teacher asks the students
about their future dreams
5th dream
Young patriot at the end of the Edo elaborates
the letter of the principle of excluding foreigners
6th dream
Images become stones and collect in the gaps of futon
7th dream
An elegant shoppy cat hides in the bathroom
8th dream
Board the car on the left hand drive
where my father drives and go on the right lane
9th dream
Pissing can not stop before going out with a girl friend
10th dream
Think of high security figure
11th dream
The Chinese who entered the boarding house
peeps into the room without permission
12th dream
A big eyes Kanegon sits silently
13th dream
The flush toilet of the water exposition
was also part of the exhibit
14th dream
Make a relief on the wall with cattle dung
15th dream
Mathematicians who decrypt ciphers during wartime
will be executed publicly
16th dream
I had a dream to write down,
so I wrote down the contents