Tome文芸館 Annex



若妻が台所で 料理をしている
まな板たたく 包丁の音の 心地良さ

指を切って 赤く染まる 青野菜 
なんて素敵な ドレッシング 

魚を三枚におろす 錆びた釘抜き 
骨が砕ける その痛々しい音響 

カビの浮く味噌汁 泡立つ醤油 
母親直伝 殺意を秘めた隠し味 

若妻は初々しく 台所で舞い踊る 
皿とグラスと ひたいを割りながら 


A Young Wife in the Kitchen

A young wife is cooking in the kitchen.
The comfort of the sound of a knife striking a cutting board.

A green vegetable that cuts her finger and turns red.
What a lovely dressing.

A rusty nail puller that cuts a fish into three pieces.
That painful sound of breaking bones.

Moldy miso soup, bubbly soy sauce.

A secret ingredient with murderous intent
passed down directly from her mother.

A young wife dances innocently in the kitchen,
breaking plates and glasses and her forehead.