Tome文芸館 Annex



きれいなだけでは なりません 
かわいいだけでも なりません 

賢いだけでも なれないし 
素早いだけでも なれません 

清く 正しく 美しくても
まだまだ まだまだ 足りません

我々は 強くあらねば なりません 

強く 強く ひたすら強く
まこと 強くあらねば なりません



It Won't Work

Just because we are clean doesn't make it. 
Just because we're cute doesn't make it. 

We can't do it just because we're smart,
And we can't do it just because we're quick.

Even if we are clean, righteous,
And beautiful, it is still not enough.

We can't do that unless we are strong.

If we are strong, strong, earnestly strong,
And truly strong, that will not happen.