Tome文芸館 Annex



子に従え からだに従え 

無理はせぬこと させぬこと 

足手まといに ならぬよう 
何事も でしゃばらず 控えめに 

すべきことは すぐにやれ 
忘れそうなら メモをとれ 

できぬこと わからぬことは 
遠慮せずに やってもらえ 

自分ひとりで 良いことを 
やろうとしても 悪くなる 

健康診断 受けるべからず 
病気になったら 寿命と思え 

長生きは 良くもあろうが 

諦めちまえば 楽になる 


Endowment Training

When you are old,
obey your child and obey your body.

You do not overdo it.

Don't be a nuisance and be modest about everything
so as not to become a hindrance.

Do what you have to do right away.
If you're about to forget, take notes.

Don't hesitate to ask someone to do what
you can't or don't understand.

Even if you try to do good things by yourself,
it will get worse.

Don't get a medical examination.
If you get sick, it's your life.

Longevity may be good,
but it is generally bad.

If you give up, it will be easier.