Tome文芸館 Annex



 彼女はとっても お天気屋。
 お天気売るのが 彼女の商売。 

砂漠に 雨を降らせましょう。
雨季に 晴れ間を作りましょう。


あなた おひとつ 虹などいかが? 
この時期 雷の詰め合わせ お安いですよ? 

ハート型の雲も 売ってます。


 彼女はとっても お天気屋。
 お天気売るのが 彼女の商売。 


 今日も明日も あさっても
 みんなみんな よい天気。


「さとる文庫 2号館」もぐらさんが歌ってくださった!

Weather Shop

She is a very weather shop owner.
It is her business to sell the weather.

Let's rain in the desert.
Let's make sunny rays in the rainy season.

It is nice to see the moon in the winter.
It is nice to see the snow in the summer.

Would you like a rainbow?
At this time the assortment of lightning is cheap?

A cool wind is also on sale.
Heart type clouds are also on sale.

Hey, hey

She is a very weather shop owner.
It is her business to sell the weather.

Because, because

It's so good weather everyone
Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.