Tome文芸館 Annex


一行名言集 第四集

イデアは アイデアの上に乗っている 

安心は不自然 不安こそ自然 

私は あなたを理解する必要を感じない 

不況時は 儲けよりも なにより存続 

甘い汗をかく人 長生きできぬ 

いきがる凡夫を へこますは痛快 

なりたいになれず なるべきにならず なるようになる 

なによりもまず 本質をつけ 

世界はチャレンジの場なり トレースの場にあらず 

恋は所詮 片想い 

過去は 記憶と記録の中にのみ 

つまらんを 面白く見せるまでもなし 

する者は されても文句言えぬ 

言わずもがなを 言うなかれ 

上手下手より おもしろさ 

つまらんを語っても つまらん 

それはあんたの問題 おれの問題じゃない 

現実には限りあり 実現させるまでもなし 

遠くの被災者より 近くの被害者 

一見良さそは 総じて悪し 

枕もとに食べ物 置くなかれ 

たかが知れたら 死んだがまし 

二度寝 三度寝 この世の春 

文章においても 間引きは必要 

つまらぬは罪 くだらぬは屑 

看破するとも 論破せず 

論より行い 言い訳よりまず結果 

何事も 筋道立てて考えよ 

病名や類型に 頼るなかれ 

理屈ではあるが その理屈ひとつにあらず 

退屈を我慢すべからず 拒否せよ 逃げよ 突き放せ 

マニュアルが不完全である という可能性は つねに残る 


One Line Quotes Vol. 4

Ideas are on top of ideas.

Reassurance is unnatural, anxiety is natural.

I don't feel the need to understand you.

Survival rather than profitable during a recession.

People who sweat sweetly can't live long.

It's exciting to dent a lively ordinary person.

I can't want to be, I can't be, I can be.

First and foremost, add the essence.

The world is a place of challenge,
not a place of tracing.

After all, love is a one-sided feeling.

The past is only in memory and records.

There is no need
to make the boring look interesting.

Those who do it cannot complain
even if it is done.

Needless to say, don't say anything.

More interesting than good or bad.

Even if you talk about boring, it's boring.

That's your problem, not my problem.

There's a limit to the reality,
and there is no need to realize it.

Victims closer than distant victims.

At first glance, goodness is generally bad.

Don't put food on your pillow.

If you know who you are, it's better to die.

Sleep twice, sleep three times,
spring of this world.

Thinning is necessary even in sentences.

Boring is sin, crap is waste.

I can see it, but I can't argue.

Do what you do from the theory.
Get results first from excuses.

Think about everything in a logical way.

Don't rely on disease names and types.

That is a theory, but it's not the only theory.

Don't put up with boredom.
Refuse! Run away! Push it away!

The possibility that the manual is incomplete
always remains.