Tome文芸館 Annex



寒い寒い 冬の日に 
寒い寒いと こたつに入る 
こたつはぬくいな 嬉しいな 
手も足も 腰もすっぽり 暖かい 
おうちの外は 寒い 寒い 
こたつの外も まだ寒い 
寒いの きらいだ 
寒いの やだ 
こたつの中から 出たくない 
こたつの外へ 出たくない 
おなかすいても 出たくない 
おしっこ我慢 出たくない 
すると どうなる 
こたつで寝たら 大変だ 
こたつで うとうと 
うとうと うとうと 眠る子は 
こたつんぼに なっちゃうぞ 
四本ある こたつの脚に 
五本目の 棒のような 脚が生えると 
そんなの 邪魔だ 
切っちゃえ 切っちゃえ 



On a cold winter day,
I go into the kotatsu and say,
"It's cold, it's cold."

I'm happy that the kotatsu is warm.
Hands, feet, and waist are completely warm. 

It's cold outside the house, it's cold.
It's still cold outside the kotatsu.

I hate being cold.
I don't like the cold.

I don't want to get out of the kotatsu.
I don't want to go outside the kotatsu.

I don't want to go out even if I'm hungry.
I hold my pee and don't want to get out of here.

What happens then?
Become sleepy.

Don't sleep.
Sleeping under a kotatsu is difficult.

A child who sleeps dozing, dozing,
dozing off in the kotatsu will become Kotatunbo.

When a kotatsu has four legs
and a fifth stick-like leg grows,
it becomes a Kotatunbo.

That's a hindrance.
I do not need it.

Cut it, cut it, cut it, it.